What we do
STEM educational programs, such as those sponsored by the CYRC, are programs specifically designed to improve the quality of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in our public and private schools. Our STEM programs are meant to help the next generation of Canadians to better prepare for the 21st century.
In order to better popularize STEM education in and around Vancouver, the CYRC is organizing a series of STEM Fairs, with specific challenges set out for the student participants.
Our STEM Fairs are open to students in elementary, middle and high schools.
Who we are
Canada Youth Robotics Club (CYRC) is a Vancouver BC based non-profit Canadian organization dedicated to STEM Education in Canada and across North America.  The CYRC has been involved with STEM education and STEM competitions here in Canada, as well as in the United States. The CYRC has also participated in competitions overseas.
Categories of the projects
The STEM Fairs includes robotics, computer programming, science, engineer design and mathematics competitions.