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Engineering Design Challenge

Robot Restrictions:

  • controlled using code

  • no remote control

Primary School Level

Task 1: First Step


  1. Robot must be able to perform these motions in the specified order and time

    1. Move forward for 5 seconds

    2. Turn left 

    3. Move backward for 3 seconds

    4. Turn right

    5. Move forward for 10 seconds

    6. Brake and stop 


Task 2: Wall Detector












  1. Place the robot at a far distance from the wall (more than 1 m)

  2. The robot must move forward and be able to stop 10 cm away from the wall

  3. Algorithm should not depend on initial position

    1. No matter what the initial distance is, the robot will stop 10 cm away

  4. No limitations on sensors


Task 3: Sokoban Remastered











  1. Wave a colored paper in front of your robot

  2. Robot must detect the color of the paper

  3. Robot must choose path corresponding to the color detected

  4. Robot moves along chosen path

    1. Colored strips need to be placed on a lightly-colored ground

    2. Strips must be separated by 25 cm width

    3. Strips must be 50 cm long

    4. Strips must be 5 cm wide

    5. Color detector sensors must be used


Task 4: Get Creative!

In this task, you will have the opportunity to showcase your coding skills and creativity. Using Scratch or any robot of your choice, create your own task. Think of real world problems and try to solve one of them. When you submit the video for this section, please include a description of your task that clearly explains what you are trying to achieve.


Point System:


Task 1: Movement (total points 10)

  1. 1 point for forward (5 s)

  2. 2 points for left turn

  3. 1 point for backward (3 s)

  4. 2 points for right turn

  5. 1 point for forward (10 s)

  6. 3 points for brake and stop

No points will be given if the order of these motions is not followed


Task 2: Wall Detector (total points 5+2)

  • 1 point for moving the robot forward

  • 2 points for stopping the robot when it detects the wall

  • 2 points if distance between parked robot and wall is between 8-12 cm

    • Ruler must be placed near the parked robot on the video for reference

  • 2 bonus points for stopping at exactly 10 cm away from the wall


Task 3: Sokoban Remastered (total points 5)

  • 2 points for recognizing the color of the paper

    • If your robot is not moving to the correct path, print the color detector information on your computer screen. Make sure to include it in your video.

  • 2 points for robot that choose the correct path

  • 1 point for robot that follows the colored path till the end


Task 4: Get Creative! (total points 15)

Your task will be judged based on 4 categories:

  • Application (5 points)

    • The closer the problem is to the real world, the more points assigned

  • Task difficulty (5 points)

    • The more difficult, the more points

    • Include more sensors and/or obstacles

  • Completion (3 points)

    • Solve the problem outlined by you 

  • Clear task and solution description (2 points)

    • What is the problem you are trying to solve ?

    • How are you trying to solve it ?

    • Why are you using the sensors you included ?

    • Why is this problem important in the real world

    • These questions will help you get started with your description



Middle School Level


Task 1: Hand Track


Your pet robot likes the smell of your hand! Code an algorithm that allows your robot to maintain a distance of 10 cm from your hand. As you move your hand forward or backward, the robot has to react accordingly to maintain its 10 cm distance. Hint: Use the ultrasonic sensor.



Task 2: Line Following

Construct the following path and create a line-following algorithm.





Task 3: Cleaning Robot


  • An object is randomly placed within a 40 cm radius from the robot

  • The robot must find the object using an ultrasonic sensor

  • The robot must drive towards the object and push it outside the circle

  • You may add a piece of cardboard to the front of your robot to larger than 5x5 cm, to increase the surface area of pushing.

  • Either foam or empty can is allowed to use as obstacle and the size of obstacle should be around 25 cm3


Task 4: Get Creative!

In this task, you will have the opportunity to showcase your coding skills and creativity. Using Scratch or any robot of your choice, create your own task. Think of real world problems and try to solve one of them. When you submit the video for this section, please include a description of your task that clearly explains what you are trying to achieve.








Point System

Eligible Robots:

  • No restrictions

  • No remote control 


Task 1: Hand-Following (total points 3+2)

  • 1 point if the robot is able to move forward to maintain 10 cm from hand

  • 1 point if the robot is able to move backward to maintain 10 cm from hand

  • 1 point if the robot is able to stop when distance is 10 cm from hand

  • 2 Bonus points if PID is used


Task 2: Line Following (total points 15)

Points will be given based on successful completion of portions of the path:

  • 1 point for completing the 40 cm strip

  • 2 points for completing the 145° angle

  • 1 point for completing the 30 cm strip

  • 3 points for the 90° turn

  • 1 point for completing the 60 cm strip

  • 2 points for completing the 125° angle

  • 1 point for completing the 40 cm strip

  • 3 point for completing the 90° angle

  • 1 point for completing the last 25 cm strip


Note: Distances and angles should not be hard-coded, e.x. Do not explicitly tell the robot what to do. Your algorithm should drive the robot over the path based on sensor data


Task 3:  Cleaning Robot (total points 5+2 )

  • 2 point for locating the object

  • 2 point for moving towards the object

  • 1 point for pushing the object outside the circle

  • 2 Bonus points if the robot pushes the object successfully without the need of the cardboard piece


Task 4: Get Creative!

Your task will be judged based on 4 categories:

  • Application (5 points)

    • The closer the problem is to the real world, the more points assigned

  • Task difficulty (5 points)

    • The more difficult, the more points

    • Include more sensors and/or obstacles

  • Completion (3 points)

    • Solve the problem outlined by you 

  • Clear task and solution description (2 points)

    • What is the problem you are trying to solve ?

    • How are you trying to solve it ?

    • Why are you using the sensors you included ?

    • Why is this problem important in the real world

    • These questions will help you get started with your description




High School Level


Task 1: Obstacle Bridge


There are two pathways to cross the river; one of the pathways is blocked by a large object (red). Your robot (blue) must identify the clear bridge and cross over using that bridge. 

Some specifications: 

  1. Initial position of the robot: 40 cm away from the bridges horizontally, right in the middle between the two bridges vertically. 

  2. The robot should detect and determine which bridge is safe to cross at the beginning of this challenge. 

  3. The width of both bridges are 30 cm. 

  4. Either foam or empty can is allowed to use as obstacle and the size of obstacle should be around 25 cm3










Task 2: Bus Stop


Think of the robot (blue rectangle) like a bus that stops when it sees a person (object) waiting at the station (red squares), it will stop (for 5 seconds) to pick up the passenger.

You will need to use the ultrasonic sensor (sonar)

Hint: Keep your sensor pointing to the right




















Task 3: Find and Snatch


An object is randomly placed within 40 cm from the robot in any direction. The robot must locate the object using an ultrasonic sensor (sonar) and drive towards the object. Once the robot stops in front of the object, it must pick up the object from the ground using its arm and drive out of the circle.

Some specifications:

  1. Either foam or empty can is allowed to use as obstacle and the size of obstacle should be around 25 cm3















Task 4: Get Creative!

In this task, you will have the opportunity to showcase your coding skills and creativity. Using any robot of your choice, create your own task. Think of real world problems and try to solve one of them. When you submit the video for this section, please include a description of your task that clearly explains what you are trying to achieve.


Point System:

Eligible Robots:

  • No restrictions

  • No remote control


Task 1: Obstacle Bridge (total points 5)

  • 2 points for identifying the clear bridge

  • 1 point for turning towards the clear bridge

  • 2 points for crossing safely


Task 2: Bus Stop (total points 5)

  • 1 point for moving forward in a straight line

  • 1 point for each correct stop (3 points in total)

  • 1 point for 5 second stop

  • The sonar must be used to control the robot’s stops; otherwise, no points will be given


Task 3: Find and Snatch

  • 2 points locating the object

  • 2 points for moving to the object

  • 2 points for grabbing the object

  • 1 point for driving out of the circle

  • 3 bonus points if the robot has the object in its arm after leaving the circle


Task 4: Get Creative!

Your task will be judged based on 4 categories:

  • Application (5 points)

    • The closer the problem is to the real world, the more points assigned

  • Task difficulty (5 points)

    • The more difficult, the more points

    • Include more sensors and/or obstacles

  • Completion (3 points)

    • Solve the problem outlined by you 

  • Clear task and solution description (2 points)

    • What is the problem you are trying to solve ?

    • How are you trying to solve it ?

    • Why are you using the sensors you included ?

    • Why is this problem important in the real world

    • These questions will help you get started with your description


cleaning Robot
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